Traumatic Brain Injury
One of the unique services that RLS provides is for individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries. Often these injuries are a result of an accident, and they compound the mental illness the person may already deal with. Person's with TBI often require staff to assist them with relearning daily activities and things they could do alone before the injury. Staff members are trained to develop and implement independent living skills activities to help each client build his or her skills. Other common issues for individuals with TBI are memory loss, behavioral outbursts, and attention deficits. In these cases, staff will assist the client with recognition techniques, and redirection. Individualized Care Plans and Behavior Management Plans are put in place to promote progress and meet the client’s needs. Clients and staff meet on a regular basis with Case Managers and other individuals involved to review clients’ progress and clients’ needs.
Veteran's Program
Another Program RLS offers is the Veteran's Program. This program is designed to provide structure and guidance for individuals who have mental illness and are United States Veterans. These individuals have often come from a Veteran's Hospital setting and need a more home-like atmosphere that will still assist them with their unique needs. Sometimes family members or Case Managers will also refer VA clients who need a structured setting to live in, because his or her mental illness has made it difficult for them to be completely independent. RLS is equipped to help with minor physical disabilities as well. Staff members are trained to recognize client's needs and assess medical issues that may arise. VA clients usually receive a portion of their funds from the Veteran's Services, and the rest is either self-pay or covered by other funding sources.
RLS provides a secure, supervised setting for individuals who have been involved with the corrections system who also have a mental illness diagnosis. Clients referred for this program are usually ordered by the court as an alternative to jail. RLS must follow guidelines set forth by the state and the legal system. Clients are closely monitored to ensure the safety of themselves and others, and to make sure probation and court orders are followed always. RLS staff also assists the client with budgeting to pay off their judicial fees and fines. Case Managers, Probation Officers, family members, and guardians are also closely involved in the planning and review of each client's progress. Often, clients who have been involved in the corrections system are ordered to be in a program for a specific amount of time. RLS works hard to help these clients gain the skills needed to attain their goals within the time they are ordered to placement. Placements are reviewed on a regular basis to determine individual progress. Clients are actively involved in setting goals and measuring progress.
MI/CD: Chemical Dependency
Chemical dependency is another issue that compounds mental illness. RLS accepts clients with chemical dependency issues and strives to meet individual needs. Staff members are trained to assess and treat CD issues, and are aware of the complications these addictions may cause, especially when an individual suffers from a mental illness. As with our other clients, a BMP and Risk Management Plan are implemented. Clients are informed of their specific needs and plans, and asked to sign off in agreement. Most RLS clients with CD issues are required to attend treatment sessions or meetings to help deal with his or her specific issues. RLS works hard to ensure a comfortable, positive, healthy environment for all our clients. We believe everyone deserves the best quality of life possible, and we train our staff to be efficient and personable. RLS stands behind the belief that everyone is valuable, and everyone deserves a chance to live the best life they can.
Independant Living Skills
Independent Living Skills (ILS) is designed to assist individuals with mental illness, mental disabilities, or chronic illnesses to gain independence. Residential Living Solution’s ILS workers meet one on one with our clients in their own homes or at other locations to provide training and support. Some of the skills that we work on with our clients as a part of the ILS program include:
Coordination and connection to community services
Time management
Health management
Financial management
Household management and organization
Housing stability
Interpersonal skills and communication
Leisure and recreation
Meal planning, nutrition, grocery shopping and cooking
Memory compensation strategies
Problem solving assistance
Safety skills
Transportation resources